Sep 12, 2022

What to include in your Privacy Policy

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privacy policy is a formal statement that outlines how a company collects, uses, and protects the personal information of its customers and website visitors. It's important to have a privacy policy in place if you collect any personal data from your website visitors – even if it's just their email address. Having a privacy policy in place could make the difference between customers spending their money with you, or clicking away. Privacy policies are not only necessary for law-abiding companies but they also show that your company values their customer's data and treats it responsibly —by ensuring both parties know what information will be collected about them and how it's being used. Last but not least, it means less chance of getting surprised with an unhappy complaint later on down the line!

Here is a list of "Privacy Policy essentials" so that you know what to focus on in order to have an effective Privacy Policy:

Make it easy to find

You could have the best privacy policy in place, but it won’t be much use if their customers can’t navigate to it. First and foremost, anybody visiting your website needs to be able to easily find your privacy policy.

Be clear and concise

When writing your privacy policy, make sure to use clear and concise language that your visitors will understand. Avoid using legal jargon or technical terms.

State what information you collect

It is vital that your privacy policy details the exact information you will collect and why you will collect it.  For example, do you collect personal information like names and addresses? If so, what for? (with an e-commerce site, some data like a customer's name and ddress will be used for shipping purposes. Data is also used for marketing purposes). Do you use cookies to collect data about website usage? Again, why? Customers have a right to know what kind of data you're collecting, why you're collecting and whether you will be sharing any of this information with third party organisations

Be transparent about how you use collected data

Your visitors need to know what you plan on doing with the information you collect from them. Will you use it to send them marketing emails? Will you share it with any other businesses? Be as transparent as possible about how you plan on using collected data.

Protect collected data

Once you've collected data from your visitors, it's important to take steps to protect that data from being accessed by unauthorized individuals. Be sure to implement security measures like encryption and password protection for any collected data.

Update your policy regularly

Last but not least, remember to update your privacy policy on a regular basis as your business grows and changes over time.  

By including these key elements in your privacy policy, you can help build trust with your customers and avoid any legal headaches down the road. Drafting a privacy policy doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. Just remember to include the basics: contact information for your business, what kind of data you collect and why, and how that data is used, make it easy to find and to read. With those elements in place, you'll be well on your way to protecting your customers' data—and your business.